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After a few discussions between my group mates and my lecturer, we decided to go for the 1st idea. Of course we did some refining on the storyline here and there.


As contextual studies is all about semiotics, there will be a lot of visual representations as we’re going for the “less talking more visual” kind off approach.


Here is the summarised story line.


The video starts with a girl(main character) walking to a dark room. Scars and bruises will be seen on her arm, indicating that she has been abused/bullied. She then crawls into her “home”, which is a black box. The exterior of the box will have the same set of scars and bruises as the girl, making the box sort of like the “power house” of the girl. She will then be seen crouching down, crying. Flashbacks of her being abused will be shown. Tears will also be seen rolling down her eyes. After a while, she’ll look fed up and she will be seen calling up her abusers to set things right. 


They meet up in a empty hall. The 2 abusers will be seen walking to the girl that is already standing in the middle of the hall. Suddenly, men in black hoodies will appear behind her. So these are the shadow people, and they represent what the girl has gone through. She’ll tell the abusers the pain they have given to her. While she’s telling the abusers, one by one the shadow people will disappear, and so will her scars on her and the box. In the end, it’ll be revealed that the 2 abusers were ‘Stereotype’ and ‘Society’. After she’s done, she’ll walk away from the 2 men, leaving them feeling guilty, while the girl walks away feeling free like a bird as she’s finally free from this “cage”. 

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